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How to report transfusion-related adverse events through the National Healthcare Safety Network

Note: These instructions are solely based on reporting requirements by DPH. They do not include any obligations that may arise from the NHSN Agreement to Participate and Consent.


1. To report an adverse event, log into your secure access management services account.

2. Select the Biovigilance Component, Hemovigilance module.


Keep in mind that an adverse event may involve an adverse reaction, an incident, or both.

If a patient has multiple adverse reactions, complete a separate form for each reaction.



Department of Public Health, Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality

Business hours:

Non-business hours:
617-363-0755 or 617-469-1111

Fax: 617-753-8165


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Safety Network

E-mail: nhsn@cdc.gov
Website: http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn

We hope these instructions helped you meet this reporting requirement. Be aware that this action may not fulfill all applicable reporting requirements associated with the event.

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