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How acute care hospitals report HAIs through the National Healthcare Safety Network

Note: These instructions are solely based on reporting requirements by DPH and are only applicable to acute care hospitals.

To report any of the required measures, log into your NHSN member login account.

Select the appropriate module within the Patient Safety Component based on the type of infection:

  • Procedure-associated Module for Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) such as Abdominal hysterectomy procedures (HYST),Vaginal hysterectomy procedures (VHYS); Knee arthroplasty procedures (KPRO); or Hip arthroplasty procedures (HPRO)
  • Device-associated Module for Central Line-associated Blood-stream Infections (CLABSI) and Catheter-associated Urinary Track Infections (CAUTI)
  • Multidrug-Resistant Organism and Clostridium difficile Infection (MDRO/CDI) Module for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteremia LabID Event; and C. Difficile LabID Event


Are you new to the NHSN? Enroll here.

Keep in mind that both Massachusetts state law and CMS, through the Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program, may require your facility to report HAIs through NHSN.

If your facility participates in an IQR program, be sure that you report any additional measures and follow any other steps that may be required.





Facility enrollment

Patient Safety Component training

Patient Safety Component manual (Jan 2022)


Circular Letter #14-10-621– 10/7/2014


Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
program requirements.

Laws: MGL c. 111 §51(H); 105 CMR §§ 130.1701


Department of Public Health, Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality

Business hours:

Non-business hours:
617-363-0755 or 617-469-1111

Fax: 617-753-8165


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Safety Network

E-mail: nhsn@cdc.gov
Website: http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn

We hope these instructions helped you meet this reporting requirement. Be aware that this action may not fulfill all applicable reporting requirements associated with the event.

This information is provided for informational purposes and is subject to change. For further terms and conditions, see the Terms of Use.