Below is a list of some instances in which health care professionals are explicitly required to report an adverse event to their respective board.
This list may not be comprehensive. It does not include any obligations that you may have to report to a state agency other than your board, nor does it include any requirements that health care facilities or programs may have to report adverse events.
If you are unsure whether you are required to report, we recommend that you contact your respective board. A directory of health care professional boards can be found here.
Reporting obligation
A physician working in an office setting must report
if precipitated by a treatment administered or a procedure performed in the physician’s office setting.
File a report with the Board as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days following the event.
Data Repository Unit, Board of Registration in Medicine
200 Harvard Mill Square, Suite 330
Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: (781) 876-8200
Fax: (781) 876-8380
Laws: 243 CMR § 2.14(4)(d)
Board of Registration in Dentistry
Phone: (800) 414-0168 or (617) 973-0971
Fax: (617) 973-0980
Laws: 234 CMR § 5.16, 234 CMR § 6.17
Adverse reactions to Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents (DPAs). An optometrist (certified to use DPAs) who observes a patient's adverse reaction to a DPA must report the reaction to the Board of Registration in Optometry.
Board of Registration in Pharmacy
Phone: (800) 414-0168
Fax: (617) 973-0980